Cumorah in Mesoamerica

A popular theory of Book of Mormon geography claims that the New World events took place in a limited geography in Mesoamerica, primarily southern Mexico and Guatemala. There is extensive literature on this topic.

The Mesoamerican setting originated with a map published by RLDS scholar L.E. Hills in 1917 (see below). Modern proponents accept Hills' reasoning, based on three elements:

  1. The traditional teaching that Cumorah was in New York was a false tradition, and everyone who taught that idea was expressing a personal opinion that, while honest and sincere, was wrong. Instead, the "real Cumorah" of Mormon 6:6 must be in southern Mexico. This is the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory, or M2C, which holds that the hill in New York was called Cumorah by early Latter-day Saints either because of a false tradition or in honor of the real Cumorah in Mexico. Thus, there are "two Cumorahs," a false one in New York and an authentic one somewhere in southern Mexico.

  2. Joseph Smith himself endorsed a Central American setting in articles published in the 1842 Times and Seasons, which demonstrated that he didn't know much about Book of Mormon settings and relied on scholarship to settle the matter.

  3. The "narrow neck of land" can only be in Central America, and given the distances described in the text, the territory of the Nephites had to be confined to a relatively limited territory.

Advocates of M2C such as Book of Mormon Central, the Interpreter Foundation, and FairLatterdaySaints have produced extensive literature supporting their positions. For example, Michael Ash outlined the theory here:

Michael Coe, a Yale expert in Mayan culture and archaeology, discussed the Mesoamerican setting and its implications several times, beginning with an article in Dialogue in 1973. An annotated version of that article is here:

Michael Coe 1973 annotated

To avoid the debates about where, exactly, in Mesoamerica the Book of Mormon sites are located, educators at BYU (Brigham Young University) and CES (Church Educational System) have developed "internal maps" based on the Mesoamerican-driven interpretation of the text. You can see these maps here:

Basic M2C maps: 1917 through 2022

1917 map by L.E. Hills showing Cumorah.

Book of Mormon Central claims to be neutral about Book of Mormon geography, but its Spanish-language website publishes a detailed M2C map showing Cumorah in the same general location as LE Hills and BYU Studies.

The map below from Book of Mormon Central's Spanish-language page shows their M2C explanation of the routes of the Jaredites, Nephites, and Mulekites, together with numerous identifications of Book of Mormon sites in Mesoamerica.