Church History Issues

There are several issues in Restoration history that relate to the Book of Mormon, its origin and setting. The links below offer references and explanations.

For more in-depth discussion of specific narratives, see 

For a discussion of Joseph Smith's childhood and the influences that prepared him for his role as translator and prophet, see Joseph Smith - Early years.

Joseph Smith dictated the text of the Book of Mormon to scribes. The document they created is commonly referred to as the Original Manuscript. Most of the Original Manuscript was destroyed by water after it was placed in the cornerstone of the Nauvoo House in Nauvoo, IL. You can see all of the extant Original Manuscript, with a transcript, in the Joseph Smith Papers. The page that contains the earliest known handwriting by Joseph Smith is here: 

The image below shows Joseph's handwriting outlined in red. This is the earliest known example of Joseph's handwriting and indicates that he had good penmanship when he was dictating the text. This suggests he was neither illiterate nor unable to write. Believers take this as evidence that Joseph was prepared by the Lord for his calling as translator and prophets. 

The transcript, with brackets providing the missing text:

yea in every citty throughout all [the land whic]h were <​was​> possessed by the people of Nephi and it came to pass t[h]at <​they​> did appoint priests and teachers 

In modern LDS editions, this passage is from Alma 45:22.

Oliver Cowdery made a complete copy of the Original Manuscript for the use of the printer. It is common referred to as the Printer's Manuscript. You can see the entire manuscript here: 

There are several different editions of the Book of Mormon. For a list of corresponding chapters in various editions of the Book of Mormon, see 

Topics related to the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon


Origin of the Book of Mormon (translation)

The History of SITH: 1829-2024

Urim and Thummim in 1832

Urim and Thummim in LDS General Conference

U&T vs Seer Stone in Rough Stone Rolling

Translation references

Gospel Topics Essay on Book of Mormon Translation

Oliver returning to the Church-Reuben Miller journal

Words of Mormon analysis

Emma Smith's "Last Testimony"

Origin of SITH (stone-in-the-hat)

Truman Coe account (explains how U&T worked)

Setting of the Book of Mormon (geography)

Cumorah overview

Two sets of plates explanation

Trip to Fayette references

BYU-CES packet on Cumorah

Two departments in the hill Cumorah

Orson Pratt's 1879 footnotes in the Book of Mormon

Moroni and Nephi clarified

Zelph account

Rationality comparison chart - Cumorah

Wentworth letter vs Orson Pratt pamphlet

Letter IV in Joseph Smith Papers (written and deposited in New York)

Letter VII in Joseph Smith Papers (fact that Cumorah is in New York)

1835 letter by Joseph Smith in the Messenger and Advocate

Cumorah photos

President Ivins on the New York Cumorah

Cumorah's Cave by Cameron Packer

Brigham Young on the New York Cumorah

Narrow and small necks and other geographical terms

Ancient People Joseph Knew

Benjamin Benson letter to Joseph Smith

John Sorenson's Sourcebook Annotated

Origin and rationale of M2C (Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory)

Oliver was truthful except...

Mormonism Unvailed: 1834 to 2023

Chiasmus and parallelism: a chiastic geography

Ancient Manti in Missouri

Scripture Central: Kno-Whys

Latter-day Prophets on the Promise Land

Only an Elder

See also the NO MORE CONTENTION blog