BM-KJV and JE-Alma 38

Annotation of Alma 38

Alma 38 is a good example because it shows that a high percentage of Book of Mormon language is also KJV language. Few of the KJV words/phrases are not also found in Edwards, including the so-called "blended" passages.


The blue Book of Mormon words/phrases in the annotation are nonbiblical and also not found in Edwards. In some cases noted below, the nonbiblical language is close to Edwards (e.g., plural instead of singular). There are several examples in the Book of Mormon of paraphrased or misquoted passages from the KJV that are identical to paraphrased or misquoted KJV passages in Edwards' works.


The red words/phrases are nonbiblical Book of Mormon wording that are also found in Edwards' works.


Purple are nonbiblical Book of Mormon words/phrases similar to Edwards.


Naturally, Edwards is not the only person who ever used this nonbiblical Book of Mormon terminology. English is a common language or we couldn't understand one another. But the ready availability of Edwards' works in Palmyra during Joseph's youth indicates that Edwards was a possible source for Joseph's vocabulary that he used when translating the plates.


Bold = KJV 

Blue = nonbiblical BofM/D&C w/o JE (If unique to this instance, no footnote is given)

Red = nonbiblical BofM/D&C and JE 

Purple = nonbiblical BofM/D&C similar to JE


Chapter 38


Shiblon was persecuted for righteousness’ sake—Salvation is in Christ, who is the life and the light of the world—Bridle all your passions. About 74 B.C.


1 My son, give ear to my words[1], for I say unto you, even as I said unto Helaman, that inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments[2] of God ye shall prosper in the land[3]; and inasmuch as[4] ye will not keep the commandments of God[5] ye shall be cut off from[6] his presence[7].

2 And now, my son, I trust that[8] I shall have great joy[9] in you[10], because of your[11] steadiness[12] and your faithfulness[13] unto God[14]; for as you have commenced[15] in your youth[16] to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you[17] will continue in[18] keeping his commandments[19]; for blessed is he that[20] endureth to the end[21].

3 I say unto you, my son, that I have had great joy in thee already, because of thy faithfulness and thy diligence[22], and thy patience and thy long-suffering[23] among the people of the Zoramites.

4 For I know that thou wast in bonds[24]; yea, and I also know that thou wast stoned[25] for the word’s sake[26]; and thou didst bear all these things with patience because the Lord was with thee; and now thou knowest that the Lord did deliver thee.

5 And now my son, Shiblon, I would that[27] ye should remember[28], that as much as ye shall put your[29] trust in God[30] even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials[31], and your troubles[32], and your afflictions[33], and ye shall be lifted up at the last day[34].

6 Now, my son, I would not that ye should think that I know these things[35] of myself[36], but it is the Spirit of God[37] which is in me[38] which maketh these things known[39] unto me; for if I had not been born of God[40] I should not have known these things[41].

7 But behold, the Lord in his great mercy[42] sent his angel[43] to declare unto me that I must stop the work of destruction[44] among his people; yea, and I have seen an angel[45] face to face[46], and he spake with me, and his voice was as thunder[47], and it shook the whole earth.

8 And it came to pass that I was three days and three nights in the most bitter pain and anguish of soul[48]; and never, until I did cry out unto the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, did I receive a remission of[49] my sins. But behold, I did cry unto him and I did find peace[50] to my soul[51].

9 And now, my son, I have told you this that ye may learn wisdom[52], that ye may learn of me[53] that there is no other way[54] or means[55] whereby man can be saved[56], only in and through[57] Christ. Behold, he is the life and the light[58] of the world[59]. Behold, he is the word of truth[60] and righteousness[61].

10 And now, as ye have begun to teach the word[62] even so I would that ye should continue to teach; and I would that ye would be diligent[63] and temperate[64] in all things.

11 See that ye are not lifted up unto pride; yea, see that ye do not boast[65] in your own wisdom[66], nor of your much strength[67].

12 Use boldness, but not overbearance; and also see that ye bridle[68] all your passions[69], that ye may be filled with love[70]; see that ye refrain from[71] idleness.

13 Do not pray as the Zoramites do, for ye have seen that they pray to be heard of men, and to be praised for their wisdom.

14 Do not say: O God, I thank thee that we are better[72] than our brethren; but rather say[73]: O Lord, forgive my unworthiness[74], and remember my brethren in mercy—yea, acknowledge your unworthiness before God at all times[75].

15 And may the Lord[76] bless your soul, and receive you[77] at the last day[78] into his kingdom[79], to sit down in peace. Now go, my son, and teach the word[80] unto this people. Be sober[81]. My son, farewell.


(Alma 38–Alma)


[1] OT (1) BM (3) JE (1)

[2] OT (7) NT (3) BM (39) DC (2) PGP (1) JE (16)

[3] BM (21) JE (1)

[4] OT (2) NT (7) BM (31) DC (114) PGP (3) JE (264)

[5] NT (3) BM (68) DC (4) PGP (2) JE (34)

[6] OT (47) BM (31) DC (4) PGP (2) JE (112)

[7] “cut off from his presence” BM (6)

[8] NT (2) BM (7) JE (9)

[9] OT (4) NT (7) BM (30) DC (4) JE (128)

[10] “joy in you” BM (2)

[11] OT (2) NT (1) BM (30) DC (5) JE (5)

[12] BM (4) JE (30)

[13] OT (19) BM (10) DC (6) JE (316)

[14] “faithfulness unto God” BM (1)

[15] BM (14) DC (3) PGP (5) JE (21)

[16] BM (1) JE (8)

[17] BM (1) JE (35)

[18] OT (3) NT (10) BM (10) DC (14) PGP (1) JE (473)

[19] OT (1) BM (4) JE (10)

[20] OT (3) NT (8) BM (3) DC (1) JE (30)

[21] NT (1) BM (7) JE (6)

[22] OT (1) NT (9) BM (33) DC (9) JE (457)

[23] “longsuffering” OT (4) NT (13) DC (1) JE (55) “long-suffering” BM (17) DC (4)

[24] NT (4) BM (1) DC (1) JE (3)

[25] OT (13) NT (9) BM (11) JE (29)

[26] NT (1) BM (1) DC (1)

[27] NT (4) BM (62) DC (4) JE (8)

[28] NT (1) BM (21) JE (17)

[29] “put your trust” OT *2) BM (3) DC (1) JE (13)

[30] “trust in God” BM (4) JE (91)  JE: “put your trust in God”

[31] BM (1) JE (5)

[32] BM (1) JE (2)

[33] BM (5) JE (6)

[34] BM (9) DC (5)

[35] NT (2) BM (7) DC (1) JE (12)

[36] NT (12) BM (17) DC (1) PGP (2) JE (74) “know of myself” BM (3)

[37] OT (14) NT (12) BM (20) DC (3) PGP (4) JE (1592)

[38] BM (15) DC (1) “that is in me” OT (1) NT (1) JE (12)

[39] BM (5) DC (1) “make known” OT (20) NT (5) BM (7) DC (7) JE (106)

[40] NT (6) BM (9) JE (123)

[41] BM (3) JE (2)

[42] OT (4) NT (1) BM (3) JE (126)

[43] OT (2) NT (2) BM (3) PGP (1) JE (4)

[44] BM (8)

[45] OT (1) NT (1) BM (4) JE (3)

[46] OT (7) NT (4) BM (5) DC (2) PGP (4) JE (104)

[47] BM (2) JE (6)

[48] BM (3) JE (9) JE: “Was in bitter anguish of soul”

[49] NT (9) BM (28) DC (19) PGP (3) JE (148)

[50] BM (1) JE (1)

[51] OT (3) NT (1) BM (2) JE (49)

[52] BM (6) DC (2) JE (1) JE: “they will not learn wisdom”

[53] NT (1) BM (2) DC (3) JE (20)

[54] BM (2) JE (243)

[55] “way or means” BM (1) JE (1)

[56] BM (6) DC (1) JE (1)

[57] BM (7) JE (25) JE: “Persons ought to seek salvation only in and through Christ”

[58] BM (1) DC (2)

[59] “light of the world” NT (3) BM (1) DC (2) JE (91)

[60] “word of truth” OT (1) NT (4) BM (1) DC (2) JE (25)

[61] “truth and righteousness” BM (1) DC (2) PGP (1) JE (15)

[62] BM (6)

[63] OT (11) NT (4) BM (11) DC (13) JE (371)

[64] NT (3) BM (2) DC (2) JE (42)

[65] OT (10) NT (10) BM (15) DC (2) JE (166)

[66] OT (1) BM (5) DC (1) JE (25+)

[67] OT (1) BM (6) JE (5)

[68] OT (8) NT (1) BM (1) JE (59)

[69] BM (1) JE (6) JE: “regulate your passions”

[70] BM (2) JE (12)

[71] OT (1) NT (1) BM (3) DC (2) JE (35)

[72] BM (1) JE (1)

[73] NT (1) BM (1) JE (5)

[74] BM (3) JE (400); JE: “my unworthiness” (4) “your unworthiness” (8)

[75] OT (8) BM (5) DC (5) JE (256)

[76] BM (10) JE (14)

[77] NT (8) BM (5) DC (8) JE (34)

[78] NT (5) BM (49) DC (8) JE (108)

[79] OT (2) BM (2) JE (9)

[80] BM (6)

[81] NT (8) BM (2) DC (4) JE (30)