BM-KJV and JE-Moroni 6

Annotation of Moroni 6 – preliminary

Moroni 6 is a good example because it shows that a high percentage of Book of Mormon language is also KJV language. Few of the KJV words/phrases are not also found in Edwards, including the so-called "blended" passages.


The blue Book of Mormon words/phrases in the annotation are nonbiblical and also not found in Edwards. In some cases noted below, the nonbiblical language is close to Edwards (e.g., plural instead of singular). There are several examples in the Book of Mormon of paraphrased or misquoted passages from the KJV that are identical to paraphrased or misquoted KJV passages in Edwards' works.


The red words/phrases are nonbiblical Book of Mormon wording that are also found in Edwards' works as available on the Yale database, which includes most but not all of the 1808 edition, as well as material not included in the 1808 edition.


Purple are nonbiblical Book of Mormon words/phrases similar to Edwards.


Naturally, Edwards is not the only person who ever used this nonbiblical Book of Mormon terminology. English is a common language or we couldn't understand one another. But the ready availability of Edwards' works in Palmyra during Joseph's youth indicates that Edwards was a possible source for Joseph's vocabulary that he used when translating the plates.


Bold = KJV 

Blue = nonbiblical BofM/D&C w/o JE (If unique to this instance, no footnote is given)

Red = nonbiblical BofM/D&C and JE 

Purple = nonbiblical BofM/D&C similar to JE


Chapter 6


Repentant persons are baptized and fellowshipped—Church members who repent are forgiven—Meetings are conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 401–21.


1 And now I speak concerning baptism[1]. Behold, elders, priests, and teachers were baptized; and they were not baptized save they brought forth fruit[2] meet that they were worthy of[3] it.

2 Neither did they[4] receive any[5] unto baptism save they came forth with a broken heart[6] and a[7] contrite spirit[8], and witnessed unto[9] the church that they truly repented[10] of all their sins [11].

3 And none were received unto baptism[12] save they took upon them[13] the name of Christ[14], having a determination[15] to serve him to the end[16].

4 And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon[17] and cleansed by[18] the power of the Holy Ghost[19], they were numbered among[20] the people of the church[21] of Christ[22]; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and[23] nourished by[24] the good word of God[25], to keep them in the right way[26], to keep them continually watchful[27] unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ[28], who was the author and the finisher[29] of their faith[30].

5 And the church did meet together[31] oft[32], to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another[33] concerning the welfare of their souls[34].

6 And they did meet together oft to partake of[35] bread and wine[36], in remembrance of[37] the Lord Jesus.

7 And they were strict to observe[38] that there should be no iniquity[39] among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity[40], and three witnesses[41] of the church did condemn them[42] before the elders[43], and if they repented not[44], and confessed not, their names were blotted out[45], and they were not numbered[46] among the people of Christ[47].

8 But as oft as[48] they repented[49] and sought forgiveness, with real intent[50], they were forgiven.

9 And their meetings[51] were conducted[52] by the church after the manner of[53] the workings of the Spirit[54], and by the power of the Holy Ghost[55]; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them[56] whether to preach, or to exhort[57], or to pray, or to supplicate[58], or to sing, even so it was done[59].

(Moroni 6–6:9)

[1] BM (1) JE (1) JE: “took occasion to treat concerning baptism”

[2] NT (2) BM (2) JE (13)

[3] OT (6) NT )24) BM (2) DC (10) JE (689)

[4] OT (1) BM (7) JE (4)

[5] NT (1) BM (1) DC (4) JE (17)

[6] OT (1) BM (7) DC (1) JE (48)

[7] “a broken heart and a contrite spirit” BM (6) DC (1) JE (1) OT: “18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” (Psalms 34:18) “17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart” (Psalms 51:17) JE paraphrase: “mourning for sin with " a broken heart and contrite spirit" Psalms 51:17 “Psalms 51:17, "The sacrifices of God are a broken heart : a broken and a contrite spirit." “so to have a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” “so to have a broken heart and a contrite spirit.”

[8] OT (2) BM (7) DC (1) JE (29)

[9] BM (2)

[10] BM (1) DC (1) JE (7) JE: “if they believed that, except they truly repented, they must be miserable forevermore.”

[11] BM (3) DC (4) JE (8) JE: “Profess that they have Repented of all their sins”

[12] BM (2)

[13] OT (1) NT (1) BM (3) JE (6)

[14] NT (2) BM (23) DC (3) PGP (1) JE (74)

[15] BM (2) DC (2) JE (81)

[16] BM (1) DC (1) JE (1) JE: “all people, nations, and languages, should serv e him" ; Ps. 118:18 to the end,”

[17] OT (1) BM (12) JE (109)

[18] BM (2) PGP (1) JE (6) JE: “They [had] been sanctified and cleansed by the influences of the Holy Ghost.”

[19] NT (1) BM (25) DC (5) JE (17)

[20] OT (3) BM (30) JE (1)

[21] BM (14) DC (1) JE (5)

[22] “church of Christ” BM (7) DC (13) JE (355)

[23] “remembered and nourished” BM (1)

[24] NT (1) BM (4) JE (15)

[25] NT (1) BM (2) JE (11)

[26] OT (3) NT (1) BM (8) JE (76) JE :  “hard thing to keep the right way

[27] NT (1) BM (2) DC (2) JE (82)

[28] BM (1) JE (13) JE: “with respect to the righteousness and merits of Christ

[29] NT (1) BM (1) JE (20) Heb 12:2 “author and finisher of our faith

[30] BM (1) JE (2) ” JE: “author & finisher of their faith” “X has undertaken to be the Author & finisher of their faith

[31] OT (4) BM (4) DC (2) JE (150) DC, JE “meet together often”

[32] “meet together oft” BM (3)

[33] BM (1) JE (1)

[34] BM (2) JE (3)

[35] BM (26) DC (7) JE (344) JE: “all that partake of the elements of bread and wine

[36] OT (3) BM (4) DC (3) JE (33)

[37] NT (6) BM (13) DC (2) JE (58) JE: “'tis a holy supper to be celebrated in remembrance of the Lord Christ”

[38] BM (1) JE (1) JE: “They were not only very strict to observe the Law”

[39] OT (2) BM (2) DC (1) JE (14)

[40] OT (5) BM (1) JE (12)

[41] OT (2) NT (4) BM (3) DC (4) JE (9)

[42] NT (1) BM (1) DC (1) JE (44)

[43] OT (3) BM (1) DC (1) JE (1)

[44] NT (2) BM (3) JE (4)

[45] OT (5) NT (1) BM (8) DC (4) JE (58)

[46] OT (3) BM (7) JE (4)

[47] BM (1) JE (41)

[48] OT (1) NT (1) BM (1) DC (1) JE (4)

[49] NT (4) BM (7) JE (11)

[50] BM (5) JE (1)

[51] BM (1) DC (10) PGP (1) JE (308)

[52] OT (1) NT (1) BM (2) DC (1) PGP (1) JE (80)

[53] OT (13) NT (6) BM (33) DC (7) PGP (6) JE (113)

[54] BM (4) JE (2)

[55] NT (1) BM (25) DC (5) JE (17)

[56] “led them” OT (11) NT (1) BM (8) JE (58)

[57] NT (16) BM (20) DC (7) JE (300)

[58] BM (2) JE (13)

[59] OT (1) BM (5) PGP (3) JE (43)