
Where did Lehi cross the ocean?

What BOM locations are known?

Where is the narrow neck of land?

Cumorah is the key

Cumorah (the Jaredite Ramah) is the key to Book of Mormon geography. Not only does it connect the two ancient civilizations (Nephites and Jaredites), but it is the one definite modern site identified by Joseph, Oliver, and their contemporaries and successors.

There are three ways to think of Cumorah.

a. They could not have known where Cumorah was so they speculated and later concluded the location of Cumorah was a matter for scholars (faithful approach adopted by many LDS scholars and their followers).

b. They could not have known where Cumorah was because the Book of Mormon is fiction (skeptical approach adopted by critics).

Comparison tables. Some comparisons of the various theories are available here: 

New York Cumorah 

other Cumorahs 

Watch All Book of Mormon Voyages in One Minute

BYU Studies article on Geography

 A recent article by Andrew Hedges in BYU Studies is reviewed by Jonathan Neville

Chart from Ocmulgee National Monument, Macon, Georgia

                 [Photo Credit Jonathan Neville]